How Do You Know If You're Ready For Mesothelioma Compensation Australia
Mesothelioma Compensation Australia
Mesothelioma, also known as malignant pleural tumors or peritoneal cancers is a malignant tumor of the pleura. Exposure to asbestos is the main cause.
Many states offer compensation to victims. A mesothelioma lawyer can assist you navigate the legal process of filing a legal claim under the statute of limitations. You might also be in a position to file a common law claim that could result in more compensation.
The Bernie Banton Law
Bernie Banton, who died in 2004, was the face of asbestos victims and was the person who led the legal battle against James Hardie. His larrikin spirit, a dislike of authority and passion for social justice made him an ardent Australian crusader. He passed away in 2007 from mesothelioma peritoneal.
On the 5th of December 2007 the State funeral was held in NSW for the deceased. At the time of his passing, he was suffering from the terminal mesothelioma. He was involved in a long-running battle with James Hardie to get the drug Alimta included on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for mesothelioma patients. His determination, articulacy, and passion made him a household celebrity and he was recognized as a champion for asbestos sufferers.
He was born in Parramatta and was employed at the James Hardie Camellia plant in western Sydney in the latter half of the 1960s and early 1970s. Like many other workers of the time, he inhaled asbestos dust as part of his job. it was discovered that he had asbestosis and later mesothelioma. His older brother Ted was also diagnosed with mesothelioma, and one of his children has a fatal form of the disease.
The new law was named after him eliminated a rule that made it impossible for people who suffered other forms asbestos exposure from suing for compensation. Previously victims were only eligible to receive compensation if they'd been exposed to asbestos at work.
Since the enactment of the Bernie Banton Law a number of laws have been amended to increase the rights for asbestos victims and their families. In Victoria asbestos exposure could be the result of non-work related activities, like exposure to secondhand asbestos or environmental contamination.
The new laws also expand the rights of asbestos victims to pursue damages for loss of income or pain and suffering and impairment of the quality of their life. Compensation is also available for a variety of expenses, such as transport to the hospital or medical facility, as well as rehabilitation equipment. In some instances the lump sum could be used to pay for funeral expenses.
The Wrongs Act
Compensation is available to those diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases. The amount of compensation granted is contingent upon the severity of the injuries and losses sustained. Damages are typically classified into two categories: non-economic and economic damages. Economic damages are those which can be quantified in terms of concrete numbers such as medical expenses, treatment costs and lost income. Non-economic damages are those that are not tangible, such as suffering, pain, and loss of enjoyment of living.
Many states and territories have government compensation schemes that apply to mesothelioma claims. People who suffer from asbestos-related ailments can make a common law claim. In order to do so, it's important to contact an experienced lawyer to ensure the claim is properly handled.
A mesothelioma lawyer who has experience will be able provide you with all your options, including statutory compensation schemes or pursuing claims under common law. They can also assist you to gather the evidence needed to prove your claim. Included in this are workmate declarations as well as medical reports and other documents that may strengthen your claim.
You can register your exposure, no matter how old or recent to chemicals, silica, and asbestos through the National Asbestos, Silica, Chemicals and Fumes Register. You can prove your exposure to asbestos, silica and chemicals by making your exposure known on the free National Asbestos, Silica, Chemicals and Fumes Register.
If you or someone you know has been exposed to asbestos, it's important to consult an experienced mesothelioma compensation lawyer as soon as possible. It's crucial to know that mesothelioma is a complicated disease that can take years for victims to get the compensation they deserve.
Today, those who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are subject to the Wrongs Act which requires them to undergo an extensive assessment of their injuries. This is designed to ensure that those who are injured due to the negligence of others are adequately compensated for their injuries. This includes ensuring that claimants receive sufficient compensation for their loss of income, their pain and suffering, and the impact on their families.
The James Hardie Medical Research and Compensation Foundation
Mesothelioma is a fatal tumour of the linings around organs such as the lung (pleura) and the abdomen (peritoneum). It is caused by exposure to asbestos. Most cases of mesothelioma in Australia are pleural and affect the lung. However, mesothelioma may also affect the peritoneum and chest wall. In both cases the lining gets more dense than cigarette paper and can form a hard tumour about the size of an oblique. The signs of mesothelioma usually don't appear until many years after the initial exposure to asbestos.
In 2001 James Hardie Industries Ltd set the Medical Research and Compensation Foundation with a budget of $293 million to deal with future asbestos compensation claims. The company's executives assured the public that the fund would cover all legitimate asbestos-related claims. The company then relocated their head office and incorporation legal from the Netherlands to the Netherlands in the belief the move was for tax reasons.
The fund was discovered to be in a state of extreme underfunding despite the funds. In the latter half of 2003, it was evident that the fund would not have enough funds to pay all compensation due to asbestos victims.
This triggered a massive trade union campaign and former James Hardie employees to make the company pay the compensation shortfall expected. One of the main participants in this campaign was Bernie Banton, a former construction worker who worked for James Hardie Industries for more than 30 years. He also developed various asbestos-related ailments.
In November 2006, James Hardie and the NSW Government signed an agreement establishing the Asbestos Injuries Compensation Fund. This included a legal agreement that would pay for asbestos-related ailments through James Hardie's special-purpose trust.
The Australian Taxation Office gave the Foundation private binding rulings which they believed would result in a tax-friendly outcome for this fund. James Hardie agreed to contribute 35 percent of the cash flow.
The fund has paid out more than $2 billion to asbestos-related victims. compensation mesothelioma of this money has been used to fund mesothelioma research, including clinical trials into new treatments for the disease. If you've been affected by asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma, you should consider seeking legal advice on how to claim compensation.
Clinical Trials

Mesothelioma is a cancerous disease that affects a thin layer of skin around many organs of the body, is caused by asbestos fibres. Typically, it is caused by exposure to asbestos fibers that inflame the mesothelium. There are several types of mesothelioma. The most common is pleural which affects the lung lining and chest cavity. Other types include pericardial or the peritoneal.
Although asbestos is not used anymore in Australia mesothelioma is still able to develop because of the long latency period. Mesothelioma symptoms can take years to manifest. However, if the symptoms are caught early enough, they can be treated by surgery or chemotherapy.
Asbestos victims may be eligible for compensation. Compensation can be used to pay expenses for treatment. The money can also be used to help the family members of a patient diagnosed with mesothelioma. Compensation is contingent on the type of mesothelioma, the location it was discovered and how long the patient was exposed to asbestos for.
Some hospitals in Australia specialize in treating mesothelioma. The Bernie Banton Centre and Concord Hospital are among the top. New mesothelioma treatments are being developed constantly. Patients suffering from mesothelioma are able to inquire from their doctors about clinical trials.
There are two main ways that people can claim mesothelioma compensation in Australia. They can make a statutory claim using WorkCover or file a court-mandated claim. In general, courts give more compensation than the statutory claims.
The mesothelioma lawyers at Davey & Co can help people with mesothelioma to receive compensation. They have experience in asbestos compensation claims, both for primary and secondary exposure. They can help people with compensation claims and help them locate medical professionals. They can also connect patients with mesothelioma support groups.
Mesothelioma is primarily associated with asbestos exposure in workplaces and homes. Those who are at risk of exposure are miners, construction workers and other people who worked in asbestos-contaminated factories or mines. You can also get asbestos from second-hand clothes or products. Those who are at risk of developing mesothelioma should consider submitting their information to the Australian Mesothelioma Registry. This will enable researchers to develop policies to stop asbestos exposure.